It's not what you know, it's
Its not what you know, its

October 22, 2024

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There are currently 231 quotes in the database.

21 Quote Posted by Date
201 Put your money where your mouth is S Patel 04/02/04 19:03:34
202 Don’t go for the high jump, go for the long jump S Patel 04/02/04 19:02:49
203 The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. S Patel 04/02/04 19:02:25
204 Plan your route before you take it. james 04/02/04 19:00:40
205 There may be more than one path to a destination. james 04/02/04 18:59:43
206 If you think life is bad imagine being an egg - you only get laid once, you only get smashed once, and the only bird that sits on your face is your mother!!! mper7080 04/02/04 10:29:22
207 You got to open your eyes, to see the oppurtunities. james 04/02/04 09:36:37
208 To be the man you’ve got to beat the man S Patel 03/02/04 18:48:28
209 If you talk the talk you got to walk the walk S Patel 03/02/04 18:47:28
210 sometimes topcats start off as underdogs JCB 03/02/04 09:28:11

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