It's not what you know, it's
Its not what you know, its

October 22, 2024

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There are currently 231 quotes in the database.

18 Quote Posted by Date
171 If opportunity knocks, answer the door. james 04/02/04 22:26:24
172 Just because you can see the finish line, doesn't mean it is easier to reach. james 04/02/04 22:21:43
173 Get rich or die tryin' Kyle 04/02/04 21:46:32
174 Why are we trying to live if we are trying to die? Kyle 04/02/04 21:46:19
175 If you got a glass jaw you should watch your mouth Kyle 04/02/04 21:45:10
176 Censorship is the enforcer of power - Control is the enforcement of power, Law is the enforcement of Censorship. Control, well if I told you that I would have to kill you Kyle 04/02/04 21:44:45
177 Look at your window what do you see? Thought so, glass. Kyle 04/02/04 21:42:28
178 Maths is logic, English is language, Geography is, well, geography. PE - well thats just Micky Mouse Kyle 04/02/04 21:40:56
179 UCL, LSE, HEC, NYS, KCL; see a pattern? The more exclusive the univesity, the easier they are to spell. I mean Wolverhampton, Westminster, long spellings, perhaps to confuse the rif-raf? Kyle 04/02/04 21:37:48
180 Keep your hand close to your chest; it wont stop a bullet but it will make them think you have good contacts - a king a queen and a joker what more do you want? Kyle 04/02/04 21:34:50

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