It's not what you know, it's
Its not what you know, its

October 22, 2024

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There are currently 231 quotes in the database.

12 Quote Posted by Date
111 Two hands on the steering wheel = safe driver. One hand on steering wheel, other on window sill = style. No hands on wheel one on Sandwich other on Mobile...late for work Kyle 15/02/04 20:49:15
112 Is the glass half empty, or half full? Who gives a s**t, lets drink up! Kyle 15/02/04 20:46:18
113 Everybody knows no-body, but no-body knows somebody, and somebody knows anybody. Why doesnt everybody know anybody? Kyle 15/02/04 20:43:29
114 Just be yourself...because that's all you will ever be Kyle 15/02/04 20:40:45
115 Never mind what is in the way, an obsticle can be moved with the right tools Kyle 15/02/04 20:38:00
116 A quote a day, helps you learn, laugh and pray Kyle 15/02/04 20:37:21
117 The answer is only part of the question, the rest of it is trying to figure out what the question was in the first place Kyle 15/02/04 20:36:28
118 Its not about how many you have its about how many you understand Kyle 15/02/04 20:35:41
119 Who would have thought that a piece of paper could be worth so much, yet cost so little? Kyle 15/02/04 20:35:13
120 If money is the way forwards in this world, then I better get running Kyle 15/02/04 20:34:21

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