It's not what you know, it's
Its not what you know, its

October 22, 2024

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There are currently 231 quotes in the database.

15 Quote Posted by Date
141 It is commonly observed, that when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather. - Dr Samuel Johnson KB143 08/02/04 10:47:01
142 If you don't like the weather in England - wait ten minutes. Dr Samuel Johnson KB143 08/02/04 10:45:56
143 Too many cooks spoil the broth Kyle 07/02/04 21:53:24
144 Many hands make light work Kyle 07/02/04 21:53:12
145 There is no such thing as a free lunch Kyle 07/02/04 21:52:59
146 The best things in life are free Kyle 07/02/04 21:52:42
147 You got have an idea, before you can patent it. james 07/02/04 18:15:45
148 You shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses. james 07/02/04 18:15:19
149 If you want to get clients, then you've got to be a server. james 07/02/04 18:12:10
150 It's not what you don't know that hurts you. It's what you think you know that ain't so." - Will Rogers, Jr. Kyle 05/02/04 21:05:46

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