It's not what you know, it's
Its not what you know, its

October 22, 2024

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There are currently 231 quotes in the database.

11 Quote Posted by Date
101 Dont just look, see. Kyle 15/02/04 21:07:43
102 The more random I get, the better they sound. I am the quote master you must worship the ground. Poems, rhymes and the meaning of life, you can't challenge me so dont even think twice Kyle 15/02/04 21:01:11
103 A teacher can show you the door, but only a locksmith can open it Kyle 15/02/04 20:59:52
104 Dont get beat up over not knowing, beat someone up about them not telling you Kyle 15/02/04 20:59:28
105 You have got to talk the talk before you walk the walk. Jump the boat and you better be able to swim Kyle 15/02/04 20:59:02
106 To take something that is not rightfully yours, is to wrongfully done as is not to break laws Kyle 15/02/04 20:58:14
107 1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila more, 5 tequila, 6 tequila, 7 tequila floor! Kyle 15/02/04 20:54:34
108 The secret to handling drink, is to first get a good grip of the glass. Kyle 15/02/04 20:51:56
109 If the pub is the heart of the village, where the hell is the brain? The pharmacy? Kyle 15/02/04 20:51:11
110 Next time you get pulled over for "Drink Driving" tell the officer you made sure you did not drink at the wheel, and played it "Safe" by downing the lot at the pub before leaving. Kyle 15/02/04 20:50:29

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