It's not what you know, it's
Its not what you know, its

October 22, 2024

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There are currently 231 quotes in the database.

19 Quote Posted by Date
181 Never give a sucker an even break Kyle 04/02/04 21:32:55
182 Less is more Kyle 04/02/04 21:32:26
183 A picture paints a thousand words Kyle 04/02/04 21:31:47
184 Good looks may be your calling card, they are not your invitation to stay KB143 04/02/04 20:52:35
185 Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor KB143 04/02/04 20:52:03
186 A rose by any other name would smell KB143 04/02/04 20:51:12
187 The early bird has an alarm KB143 04/02/04 20:49:13
188 He who laughs last - hasn't got the joke KB143 04/02/04 20:48:46
189 Look before you hesitate KB143 04/02/04 20:48:21
190 Don't do today, what you did yesterday. KB143 04/02/04 20:47:51

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